
The Fool 愚者 No.0 P.39

 The Fool    愚者 No.0    P.39

The Zero as role model. Zero (or the missing number) is nothing. It wants you of a life whose motto would be : «all loss and no gain.»


The zero point defines your personal starting point, too, and the very core of your being.


Like the initial point of a coordinate system this card represents the beginning as well as the end of all that makes up an individual.


The more unusual your path, the more panic you will experience. Pan in Greek means «all.»

Therefore panic is all-at-once.



The more room you give the Fool in the easier it will be to get used to accepting yourself, God, and the world as they are.


(See the praying saint in the picture.)


Everything you know has a special importance in your life — at the right time.


Look at the shadowy figure by the wayside. It could represent your second self that you are desperately missing and longing for.


Do not take it lightly if you are getting the feeling of missing out on something.


Trust your own originality. Do not let others drive you crazy. It is foolish to concern yourself with matters that cannot be appropriately judged at the moment.



The World 世界 No.21 P.38

 The World   世界 No.21    P.38

Resolution of contradictions. This card refers to the content of The Chariot.


(In the middle of the central figure of that card we recognize frame, reminding us of the cage on this card.)


But The World also refers to the content of The Devil. The vampire / nuisance and the prodigal   son, who both represent the taboos symbolized by The Devil are, can be recognized in the big black creature, which is imprisoned and seems to  be weeping.


Consider the interpretation, too, that the three graces — and with them faith, and hope — will help the world to advance.


On their long leashes they pull up this dark and fiery creature from the very center of the earth.


Thus Goethe’s Faust ends with the well-known sentence: «The eternity feminine always lifts us up.»


In a positive sense the ropes or chains represent our dependency on time and space.


Your individual existence is intimately linked to the existence of all others.


You have inherited the earth from your parents and borrowed it from your children.


How you live in the world, determines what the world is for you. Use your time on earth wisely and enjoy your stay.



 1  ゲーテ『ファウスト』第二巻 新潮文庫 1968年 高橋義孝・訳


 2  ゲーテ『ファウスト』下巻 講談社文芸文庫 2003年 柴田翔・訳


 3 ダリ ユニバーサル タロットの説明書のドイツ語の部分とその日本語訳。

Goethe «Faust» endet schließlich in dem bekannten Ausspruch. «Das Unbeschreibliche, hier ist’s getan / das Ewig-Weibliche zieht uns hinan.

ゲーテの『ファウスト』は、最後は有名な言葉で終わります。 「言葉では言い表せないものが、ここでそれが成されます/永遠の女性性が私たちを前に導きます。


Temperance 節制 No.14 P.31

 Temperance  節制 No.14   P.31

True will. This card looks different from all the others. The colors are relatively pale.


It looks more like a sketch than a finished painting. It seems to be less artful than the others.


All these attributes have given rise to many speculations.


Rachel Pollack called it a «crude comic»; while others consider it a rather awkward homage to Dalí’s lady friend Amanda Lear, and still others simply suspect that Dalí didn’t know what to do with a card called Temperance.


Thus, the meaning of this painting can only be discovered in a different realm.


In ancient Greece already, long before the first Tarot cards were created, temperance was considered to be one of the cardinal (major) virtues.


Temperance has to do with the right measure and with human creativity.


You will not find your own true measure, your own art of living, by imitating idols and masters.


What seems to be a foundling among Dalí’s Tarot cards is really a provocation of the viewer’s intuition.


All idols pale beside your own creative process and turn into sketches or rough drafts.


So, become active and design your own life as an artist and a master of the art of life.



Justice 正義 No.8 P.25

 Justice   正義 No.8   P.25 

Mindfulness. It is but a small step from the right attitude of the Chariot to Justice, whitch is not concerned with abstract principles, but with that one of those four antique major virtues.

マインドフルネス。それは、戦車の正しい態度から正義への小さな一歩にすぎません。それは、抽象的な原則ではなく、古い 4 つの主要な美徳の 1 つに関係しています。

It is about to answer the essential question: How do we manage to do that, which is right for us and how do we abstain from that, which is not right for us ?


Dalí painted the woman in the well-known style of Lucas Cranach.


 ルーカス・クラナッハ ルネサンス期のドイツの画家(父子とも同じ名前)

Her wild mane represents an abundance of life force, but also the invincible spirit of justice.


Her girl like body hints at two kinds of virginity.


(Which already refers to the card The Hermit.)


Some people consider virginity and innocence virtues that are forever lost with the first sexual encounter.


Other people see virginity and innocence as goals of personal growth that we have to work towards.


«Innocence is nothing that can be lost, it is something that can be gained.»(Bertolt Brecht)


This kind of virginity and innocence is exemplified by mindfulness and the ability to get involved without getting entangled.


The Hermit 隠者 No.9 P.26

 The Hermit   隠者 No.9  P.26

Healing. The hermit’s lantern reminds us of the Biblical parable of the wise and the foolish maidens.


(Wise maidens are on the alert and keep ther light at hand.)


Dalí used the painting of Luca Pacioli to portray the Hermit.


Pacioli was a scholar of the Renaissance, a mathematical genius and the inventor of duplicate bookkeeping, whose actual life shows some parallels to the symbolic meaning of the Hermit.


Every human being brings something new into the world, something that has not been before and would not be if not for him.


The embryo in the lantern, the homunculus, represents this unique contribution.


Above the head of the figure we see jewels, some of them in the shape of an egg.


The egg is a symbol of fertility and of the growth of something new.


If this new thing, our unique contribution, is missing from our life, we feel lost.


Once we have found and understood it, we know that we can truly rely on ourselves.


The Hermit represents a person who solves his problems at the appropriate time and goes about his life without sweeping anything under the carpet or leaving anybody in the dark.


The Magician 魔術師 No.1 P.18

 The Magician     P.18  

Personal magic.There is a kind of magic, which really works.


Magic the «possibility of the impossible», reflects becoming one with yourself, with God and the world.


We are all artists and magicians.


Dalí portrays himself on the card as the «magus», the magician, and displays paraphernalia from some of his best-known works on the table.


 Magus はラテン語で「魔術師」。改訂版 羅和辞典(研究社) 第9刷 2017年2月

We see Dalí, but we realize that this card is also a symbol for you and me and our own individual talents and qualities.


On your personal journey you go through unique experiences and come up with solutions that none other has thought of before.


This sometimes appears to be a kind of wonderful magic.


But your personal magic is not a supernatural thing.


It is nothing but successfully creating your unique existence through your special talents and qualities.


Bread and wine on the table symbolize the individuals participation in the divine act of creation.


The «soft» clock represents the elasticity and uniqueness of your personal time.

«柔らかい» 時計は、あなたの個人的な時間の弾力性と独自性を表します。

The scroll on the table symbolizes the making of plans the designing of your own life.


Tarot Universal Dalí P.3

 Tarot Universal Dalí   P.3

Tarot is an ancient game of cards, which has in recent times been rediscovered.


Today millions of people use the cards in a way that hardly resembles the old use as a means of fortune telling.


If you are not familiar with the Tarot at all, you might get a general idea  of its modern use if you compare it to the interpretation of dreams.


By drawing cards you get images and symbols that you can interpret the same way you would interpret the images and symbols of your dreams.


Salvador Dalí anticipated this modern trend and was one of its co-creators.


When the unprecedented Tarot boom started in the early seventies of the last century, Dalí created his version of the 78 cards — the Tarot Universal Dalí.

前世紀の 70 年代初頭に前例のないタロット ブームが始まったとき、ダリは 78 枚のカードのバージョンであるタロット ユニバーサル ダリを作成しました。

Some famous poet and writers like T. S. Elliot and Italo Calvino had already incorporate the Tarot into their works, but Dalí was the first well-known painter to create a completely new set of cards.


Other famous painters, sculptors, and filmmakers would soon follow.


One of them was the French-American artist Niki de Saint Phalle, who create her famed Tarot garden in the south of Tuscanny in Italy.

そのうちの 1 人はフランス系アメリカ人のアーティスト、ニキ・ド・サンファルで、彼女はイタリアのトスカーナ南部に有名なタロット庭園を作りました。


Dalí タロットカードより p.28

 No.11 Strength  

This card is all about deliberately dealing with your vital energy and lust.


It teaches you to love all of creation.


The flowers on the card may be the flowers of love, but could also be Baudelaire’s « flowers of evil ».



Dalí’s signature integrates the swastika, an ancient Indo-Arian symbol of the sun and of life that the German Nazis misused as their symbol of death and destruction.


The beast-like creature on the left is a special work of art.


From afar it resembles a toad, but under closer scrutiny you see the body of lion and the teeth of a fighting dog.


They are all creatures that long to be released from a curse like the bewitched prince in many fairy tales.


This creature represents the base instincts that sometimes need to be accepted and at other times overcome.


The woman and the animal hint at the archetypical story of «Beauty and the Beast».


If the one is released from its curse, the other gains its freedom too.


This card stands for the cultivation of your personality, which will enable you to minimize harmful influences on your life and which allow your own creative forces to blossom.



