
The World 世界 No.21 P.38

 The World   世界 No.21    P.38

Resolution of contradictions. This card refers to the content of The Chariot.


(In the middle of the central figure of that card we recognize frame, reminding us of the cage on this card.)


But The World also refers to the content of The Devil. The vampire / nuisance and the prodigal   son, who both represent the taboos symbolized by The Devil are, can be recognized in the big black creature, which is imprisoned and seems to  be weeping.


Consider the interpretation, too, that the three graces — and with them faith, and hope — will help the world to advance.


On their long leashes they pull up this dark and fiery creature from the very center of the earth.


Thus Goethe’s Faust ends with the well-known sentence: «The eternity feminine always lifts us up.»


In a positive sense the ropes or chains represent our dependency on time and space.


Your individual existence is intimately linked to the existence of all others.


You have inherited the earth from your parents and borrowed it from your children.


How you live in the world, determines what the world is for you. Use your time on earth wisely and enjoy your stay.



 1  ゲーテ『ファウスト』第二巻 新潮文庫 1968年 高橋義孝・訳


 2  ゲーテ『ファウスト』下巻 講談社文芸文庫 2003年 柴田翔・訳


 3 ダリ ユニバーサル タロットの説明書のドイツ語の部分とその日本語訳。

Goethe «Faust» endet schließlich in dem bekannten Ausspruch. «Das Unbeschreibliche, hier ist’s getan / das Ewig-Weibliche zieht uns hinan.

ゲーテの『ファウスト』は、最後は有名な言葉で終わります。 「言葉では言い表せないものが、ここでそれが成されます/永遠の女性性が私たちを前に導きます。


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