
Justice 正義 No.8 P.25

 Justice   正義 No.8   P.25 

Mindfulness. It is but a small step from the right attitude of the Chariot to Justice, whitch is not concerned with abstract principles, but with that one of those four antique major virtues.

マインドフルネス。それは、戦車の正しい態度から正義への小さな一歩にすぎません。それは、抽象的な原則ではなく、古い 4 つの主要な美徳の 1 つに関係しています。

It is about to answer the essential question: How do we manage to do that, which is right for us and how do we abstain from that, which is not right for us ?


Dalí painted the woman in the well-known style of Lucas Cranach.


 ルーカス・クラナッハ ルネサンス期のドイツの画家(父子とも同じ名前)

Her wild mane represents an abundance of life force, but also the invincible spirit of justice.


Her girl like body hints at two kinds of virginity.


(Which already refers to the card The Hermit.)


Some people consider virginity and innocence virtues that are forever lost with the first sexual encounter.


Other people see virginity and innocence as goals of personal growth that we have to work towards.


«Innocence is nothing that can be lost, it is something that can be gained.»(Bertolt Brecht)


This kind of virginity and innocence is exemplified by mindfulness and the ability to get involved without getting entangled.


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